
This is the Simple Meaning of Major Arcana Tarot Cards

Simple and short way to learn the meaning of each Major Arcana Tarot Card.

First, if you’ve had an interest for Tarot Cards, read here and know about them.

palash thhakur

Author: Dr. Palash Thhakur
[Celebrity Numerologist, Vedic Astrologer, Tarot Reader, Spiritual Healer]


  • Clink the title link to see the card.
  • The sentence starts with the positive (upright) meaning of the card followed by the negative (reversed) meaning of the card. Positive & negative sentences are separated by the word “Yet”

The Fool Tarot Card Meaning

I am talented and enthusiastic. Moreover, I am courageous. I may surprise by my talent. I am happy and I am full of life. Yet, I am careless, I cannot be bound and I lack discipline. I may disappoint my lover & occasionally lose my sense of direction.

The Magician Tarot Card Meaning

I am focused, confident & ready for task at hand. Skilled, committed and creative, I practice what I preach. Yet, I may be manipulative, egoistic & power-hungry.

The High Priestess

 I am intuitive & know the truth; one that is hidden. I have a thirst for knowledge. I am imaginative, patient and receptive to influences. Yet, I may be the shadow that you find unfathomable.

The Empress

I am pure, sensual, loving, nurturing, optimistic and connected to the nature. I desire & bless with abundance. Yet, I may always have my insecurities.

The Emperor

I am a guide; a natural leader. I am aggressive, practical, and highly focused on setting the foundation for future. Yet, I may be too authoritative, inflexible and intolerant.

The Hierophant

I am wise, grounded and cultured. Also, I help people embrace traditions and institutionalize the holy bonds. A teacher of religion and an epitome of forgiveness; Yet I may be too stubborn, orthodox and give birth to propaganda.

The Lovers Tarot Card Meaning

I am attractive, romantic, optimistic, harmonious, intimate and desirable. Plus, I like bonding with people. I confront my inner beliefs to take decisions when I am at crossroads. Yet, I may be slave to temptations and occasionally make bad choices.

The Chariot

I am focused, determined, ambitious, progressive and inspiring. Disciplined and hard-working. I aim for victory and don’t settle for less. Yet, I may appear as controlling, authoritative and occasionally lose direction.

Strength Tarot Card Meaning

I am mentally and physically strong, never hesitate to give up temptations in the hour of need. I am gallantly strong, compassionate & a natural leader. Yet, I at times my impatience and anger can do long-term damages.

The Hermit

I am wise, aware and on a solitary quest. In simple words, I look for answers within rather than outside. In the process, I discover a new direction in life. Yet, occasionally I may feel too detached & shy away my feelings.

Wheel of Fortune

I am positive, flexible, opportunistic and I understand the circle of life. I am able to connect the dots of incidents that have led me to my present & I am ready for the greater windfalls/fortunes. Yet, at times, my excessive optimism & resistance to change may put me into a never ending loop.

Justice Tarot Card Meaning

I am honest, committed and focused on balance. Moreover, I respect equilibrium. I evaluate my doings and accept responsibility for my actions. I weigh all the options and carefully make my decisions. Yet, sometimes I pay dearly for my chaotic commitments.

The Hanged Man

I am directionless, unconventional and may confuse you with paradoxes. I am uncertain, insecure & end up giving to the experiences. Yet, I may just manage to move ahead by mirroring to truth & letting go off my rigidities.


I move on embracing change; constantly renewing myself. I face my deepest fears because I know my direction is right & wish to see a positive future unfold. Yet, at times, my looping negative traits stagnate my journey.


I’ve seen the extremes. My patience, self-control, adaptiveness, flexibility & calmness have helped me cope better & to move on. Yet, at times my miscommunication & overthinking can put me out of balance.

The Devil

I am being bound, oppressed and limited. Additionally, I may be suffering from the effects of self-imposed limitations due to fear. I desire materialistic things and successfully influence others. Yet, I possess the power to overcome this shortcoming by choosing a different path; one that is free from all limitations.

The Tower

I am confused and pained from the revelations. Moreover, I am headed towards an unpleasant set of events. I cannot avoid them. This will bring a new dawn. However, only after an awakening. Yet, I am resisting this change by delaying the set of events. I am challenging the inevitable.

The Star

I am inspired, in good health and manifesting positivity. Things are looking good as I attract prosperity and new beginnings. Yet, I may still, at times, focus on the negatives, lose hope & give in to monotony.

The Moon

My intuition is not pointing me to the right direction. Delusion is highly likely. Anxiety, fear & inconsistent thoughts rule my mind. Although, things may not be as bad as they seem. Yet, despite my blocked intuition, I have the ability to come face to face with the truth and regain composure.

The Sun Tarot Card Meaning

I am heading towards new beginnings. Positivity, excitement and confident, I will attract luck and wisdom. Yet, at times, I may be overexcited. Plus, I am overlooking things in front of me. My ego and unrealistic expectations may take me downhill.


I am experiencing an awakening. This is the time to evaluate my own decisions. I am transforming towards a new being. I seek forgiveness for my wrongdoings from the higher power. Yet, at times, I may be blinded to the higher calling. As a result, I lose opportunities presented for growth.

The World Tarot Card Meaning

Positive results are finally here. It’s the end of a cycle and beginning of new. I am ready to travel and/or expand my boundaries. Things look optimistic. Yet, I may feel stagnated. The external world may disappoint. I know this is not the end. But, it’s hard to overlook minor setbacks.

[ Meaning of Major Arcana Tarot ]

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