mangal dosh

Negative Mars In Virgo – Predictions for Love & Money

Negative or Combust Mars in Virgo starting this month is affecting a range of zodiac signs.

By: Dr. Palash Thhakur (Celebrity Astro-Numeorlogist | Vedic Astrologer) | Connect on Instagram

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Mars in a warrior planet in Vedic Astrology. It is forward-moving and dynamic. Moreover, it is a natural humanitarian. It is karak (enabler) for movement. Mars rules zodiac signs Aries and Scorpio. It is the lord of 1st and 8th houses and aspects houses 4th, 7th and 8th houses from it’s position.

September 12 onwaard, Mars (or Mangal) is in a combust state. It is weak and does not give good results. It is currently transitioning into Virgo zodiac. This zodiac is ruled by Mercury or a bitter enemy of Mars. Hence, Mars degrades further. Now, let’s take a look at how each zodiac sign is affected along with tips at the end of this article for luck and love.

Negative Mars in Virgo – Aries and Other Zodiac Signs

Aries – You are already getting the bad results of a retrograde Jupiter and Rahu in your sign. With your lord Mars being combust, you things go a little downhill. You can expect a strained thought process. Plus, you have to be mindful of your speech. Moreover, some unexpected surprises will welcome. Including, expenses.

Taurus – Mars will impact two areas of your life. First, work. You will feel stagnated. There will be urge to shift jobs or evolve in your work life. This will disappoint you. Secondly, it will dearly impact your love life. Your partner will feel that you are being too bossy. Else, your expectations are higher. You will also impact people with your speech.

Gemini – You will do fairly ok in terms of professional life. Efforts will be required. However, results will also come in. Having said that, do not expect great benefits. However, you will be happy with your journey. Negative Mars in Virgo will definitely makes you question your relationships. Expect some grey areas. Work harder on your bonds.

Cancer – Mars will rule the fifth house for you during this period. Hence, a slowdown is expected at work. Achieving your goals, deadlines will be a trouble. Moreover, some professional rivalry will take place. In short, the pace of progress will slow down. If you don’t let this affect your love life, then your partner will be very supportive.

Combust / Negative Mars in Virgo 2023. Read on..

Leo – Negative Mars in Virgo becomes your 4th and 9th lord. This will give money troubles. Plus, arguments and conflicts, both at work and in personal lives. Therefore, be mindful of your actions. Those in speculative trades also need to be mindful of investments. Defer all legal matters as well. Finally, control your expenses.

Virgo – You will need to put in extra efforts to reach your goals. Moreover, independent professionals will do better. Those in partnerships will feel the heat. Plus, unwanted confrontations will result. Virgos will feel the brunt in relationships. Hence, do not try to take impulsive decisions. Just flow with your partner.

Libra – You will need to be mindful of expenses. Money will definitely come in. However, it will move out as well. In terms of opportunities, you will do good. Students will need to work harder. Love life will require extra efforts. Sex life will also be impacted. At last, you will need to take care of your lower body health.

Scorpio – Your lord Mars being negative, you will feel lost in terms of your priorities, desires. There will be a desperate need to avoid stagnation. Moreover, money is sure to move out. Adding to this, loe life will require a new perspectivve. Seek advice if required. On the upside, this is a great period for spiritual growth.

Combust / Negative Mars in Virgo for Sagittarius and Other Zodiac Signs

Sagittarius – Mars becomes the 5th and 12th lord for you. Firstly, stay away from negative people, energies. Secondly, do not be impulsive. Thirdly, you will need to work harder than ever for your goals. This is a trying period. However, you will succeed. Love life will get better. At last, cautions in health and food are advised.

Capricorn – Your lord Saturn is already negative. Combined with a combust Mars ruling your 4th and 11th houses, you are bound to feel heat. You will be introspective at times and rash at other. Plus, love and friendships will be put to test. Hence, move with patience. Meditation will bring immense benefits. Plus, stick to a vegetarian diet.

Aquarius – Not a smooth sail for you. However, you will manage with decent returns. Some unfruitful efforts and travels will result. Plus, some eyebrows will be raised at work. Be prepared to deal with work politics. Having said that, you will win it. Avoid changing jobs. Concluding, Health and Love life will get better.

Pisces – Your work and personal life will go good. This is a time where you will not reason out everything. Some disagreements are bound to happen. However, not serious. Money will flow in. This is a good time to seek a change. Plus, investments will be fruitful. At last, spiritually, you can grow miles at this time.

Negative Mars in Virgo – Solutions for Luck and Love

Read Hanuman Chalisa every day

Observe a Satwik or a diet with just salads and beans on Tuesdays

Donate sweets and Masoor lentil (daal) to children

Recite Bajrang Ban

Chant this mantra 108 times daily : ॐ क्रां क्रीं क्रौं स: भौमाय नम: